ElectraNet’s Transmission Annual Planning Report (TAPR) provides information to market participants and other interested parties on the current capacity and emerging limitations of the South Australian transmission network over a 10-year planning period.

The report helps potential loads and generators to identify and assess opportunities in the market. It also includes demand forecasts and information on completed, committed and proposed transmission network developments.

We welcome feedback on the report’s findings. Proponents of non-network solutions are invited to propose alternative options to meet future network needs.

ElectraNet has published its 2023 Transmission Annual Planning Report (TAPR). The report highlights that the electricity demand outlook in South Australia is growing driven by electrification of the economy and new industrial loads. South Australia has an abundance of renewable energy resources to meet increased demand that can be unlocked with additional capacity in the transmission network.

ElectraNet has identified the Integrated System Plan project, Mid North SA Renewable Energy Zone, as critical to South Australia fully capitalising on the global green transition.

ElectraNet is seeking feedback on the findings of the TAPR which can be submitted to consultation@electranet.com.au by 13 December 2023. We are also hosting an online forum on 6 December 2023 and registrations can be made here.

2023 ElectraNet Transmission Annual Planning Report


Transmission Line Data 2023





New generator connection data as of 31 Oct 2023