Revenue Determination Process

Every five years, ElectraNet submits a Revenue Proposal to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) for formal assessment and approval through the revenue determination process. The proposal outlines the program of work and forecast revenue required to maintain and operate a safe, reliable and efficient transmission network.

Once approved, transmission prices are then set to recover this revenue from customers using a methodology approved by the AER.

AER Final Decision

On 28 April 2023 the Australian Energy Regulator published its Final Decision on ElectraNet’s Revenue Proposal for the five-year regulatory period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028.

The Final Decision and supporting material can be accessed on the AER’s website here.

Revised Revenue Proposal 2023-24 to 2027-28

On 2 December 2022, ElectraNet submitted its Revised Revenue Proposal to the AER. The Revised Revenue Proposal is ElectraNet’s response to the AER’s Draft Decision, which was released at the end of September 2022.

ElectraNet Revised Revenue Proposal

The Revised Revenue Proposal and supporting materials can also be viewed on the AER’s website here.

The AER’s Draft Decision can be accessed here.

ElectraNet’s Revenue Proposal 2023-24 to 2027-28

On 31 January 2022, ElectraNet submitted its Revenue Proposal for the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028. The proposal and supporting materials can be viewed on the Australian Energy Regulator’s website here.

View the Revenue Proposal Overview here.

Preliminary Revenue Proposal feedback

On 12 August 2021 ElectraNet held a Public Forum on its Preliminary Revenue Proposal (PRP), providing stakeholders with the opportunity to hear about its Network Vision for the South Australian electricity transmission network and Preliminary Revenue Proposal and participate in a roundtable discussion.

Click to download the meeting notes and presentation slides from the forum.

Preliminary Revenue Proposal 2023-24 to 2027-28

On 14 July 2021 ElectraNet published its Preliminary Revenue Proposal (PRP) for the forthcoming period, which will run from 1 July 2023 until 30 June 2028.

View the PRP online

Download a printable version of the PRP

The Preliminary Revenue Proposal summarised our developing plans for South Australia’s electricity transmission network and the essential services we will provide in the coming regulatory period.

The Preliminary Revenue Proposal set out our indicative capital and operating expenditure programs and invited views on them from our stakeholders.


Framework and Approach Process

The AER initiates the Framework and Approach process which sets out how the applicable incentive schemes will apply to ElectraNet to encourage efficient investment and performance and how the AER will apply the Expenditure Forecast Assessment Guidelines and the depreciation methodology for the next regulatory period. The AER’s initial paper is available here.


Expenditure Forecast Methodology

ElectraNet advises the AER of its approach to forecasting capital and operating expenditure for the coming regulatory period. A copy of ElectraNet’s Expenditure Forecast Methodology is available here.


Preliminary Revenue Proposal

ElectraNet releases its Preliminary Revenue Proposal containing indicative capital and operating expenditure forecasts and providing an indicative revenue and price outlook. A copy of the Preliminary Revenue Proposal is available here.


Consultation on the Preliminary Revenue Proposal

Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on the Preliminary Revenue Proposal.


Framework and Approach Paper

The AER publishes a Framework and Approach paper setting out the application of the following:

  • Service Target Performance Incentive Scheme (STPIS)
  • Demand Management Innovation Allowance Mechanism (DMIAM)
  • Expenditure Efficiency Benefit Sharing Scheme (EBSS) and Capital Expenditure Sharing Scheme (CESS)
  • Expenditure forecast assessment guideline
  • Whether depreciation will be based on forecast or actual expenditure in updating the regulatory asset base

Revenue Proposal

ElectraNet’s Revenue Proposal outlines our forecasts of the capital and operating expenditure that will be required to meet the capital and operating expenditure objectives, to comply with the National Electricity Rules, and to fulfil our other roles and obligations.


Issues Paper

The AER publishes and issues paper in which it identifies key issues likely to be relevant to its assessment of our Revenue Proposal.


Public Consultation on Revenue Proposal

ElectraNet’s Revenue Proposal and the AER’s Issues Paper are published for public consultation.


Public Forum

The AER and their Consumer Challenge Panel present their initial views to stakeholders and invite input into the process. ElectraNet is invited to give a summary of the Revenue Proposal.


Draft Determination

The AER completes its assessment of our Revenue Proposal publishes its draft determination based on a range of inputs including its own analysis, advice from experts and input from the Consumer Challenge panel and stakeholders generally. The AER must accept our expenditure forecasts if it is satisfied that they reasonably reflect the expenditure objectives in the National Electricity Rules. It includes the revenue ElectraNet will be permitted to earn during the regulatory period.


Pre-Determination Conference

The AER and the Consumer Challenge Panel present to stakeholders to explain the draft determination.


Public Submissions on Draft Determination and Pre-Determination Conference

Public submissions are published.


Revised Revenue Proposal

ElectraNet’s revised Revenue Proposal sets out revisions made to the Revenue Proposal considering the AER’s draft determination and issues raised by stakeholders.


Public Consultation on Revised Revenue Proposal

The AER publishes our revised Revenue Proposal for consultation.


Final Determination

The AER publishes its final determination setting out the maximum revenue we may recover from customers through regulated transmission charges. It also sets out the AER’s determination of the amount of capital and operating expenditure necessary to meet the capital and operating expenditure objectives in the National Electricity Rules.