The South Australian Electricity Transmission Code sets reliability and service quality standards for the whole of South Australia's electricity transmission network.

ElectraNet complies with the service obligations of the South Australian Electricity Transmission Code (ETC), maintained by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA).

The Commission has made a number of relevant industry codes, and compliance is a requirement of each electricity licence they issue.

Powerlines over trees and water

The ETC puts minimum standards in place for transmission system redundancy and restoration times at each transmission load connection point. It uses a variety of criteria to ensure South Australia receives a safe and reliable electricity supply. These criteria include specifications on the quality of service, service interruptions, access to sites, emergency situations, telecommunications access, and design, technical, and general requirements.

Designed to limit unexpected and extended interruptions to power supply, the ETC also ensures that the transmission network is able to comfortably handle an agreed maximum demand.

The ETC assigns reliability standards for each connection point or group of connection points in the electricity transmission network. ElectraNet must comply with this and meet specific requirements for the planning, development and operation of South Australia’s electricity transmission network.

The Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) is responsible for the ETC. ESCOSA recently amended the reliability standards in the ETC effective from 1 July 2013. In late 2014, ESCOSA engaged the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to review the allocation of connection points to ETC reliability categories. This is in preparation for a revision of the ETC to apply to ElectraNet’s 2018 – 2023 regulatory control period.

To see how each load category is defined and the specific requirements that apply, view the Electricity Transmission Code Load Categories Table.

You can access the Electricity Transmission Code in full by visiting ESCOSA’s website.