Positive engagement with landholders forms a critical part of our high voltage transmission projects and ongoing maintenance. It is essential that we understand their values and requirements in our planning and operations.
As part of Project EnergyConnect (PEC), the new interconnector between South Australia and New South Wales, ElectraNet has continuously engaged with landholders from the early works and as we approach construction completion. This has made the project a collaborative effort, setting the benchmark for large infrastructure projects that are advancing our state’s transition to clean energy.
Senior Development Advisor, Scott Haynes, caught up with Peter Cale, Manager and Principal Ecologist, with the Australian Landscape Trust at Calperum and Taylorville Stations, who shares his thoughts. Watch the video below to hear from Scott and Peter.
Our entire team is proud to work with landholders and communities to forge ongoing relationships as we energise South Australia’s clean energy future together!
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