Timely transmission network planning and development is a critical part in ensuring the transition to net zero.

As part of the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) consultation process for the 2024 Draft Integrated System Plan (ISP), ElectraNet has provided feedback on several key aspects to help support the effective transition of South Australia’s energy network.

This includes a recommendation to identify the Mid-North (North and South) and South-East expansion projects on South Australia’s transmission network as actionable in the 2024 ISP to provide a secure, reliable, and least-cost pathway to net zero for South Australian consumers. It also includes updating South Australia’s electricity demand forecasts to include expected growth in large industrial load and planning for the local renewable energy development to meet it.

ElectraNet welcomes the submission from our Consumer Advisory Panel (CAP), outlining their preferences identified in our submission.

We will continue to work with AEMO to ensure our transmission network is able to meet South Australia’s future energy needs and supports the State to meet its 100% net renewable energy target by 2027.

A copy of our submission is available by clicking here.

Further information on the ISP can be found on AEMO’s website by clicking here.

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