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SAET Supplementary Information Paper

Learn more about the identified need, services that could meet it, and next steps in our process for the SA Energy Transformation project.

Factsheet Vegetation Management

Find out more about how ElectraNet undertakes periodic vegetation management to ensure minimum clearance distances are maintained.

Factsheet Value Of The Grid

Find out more about how the electricity grid is evolving to meet the changing way electricity is generated and used.

Factsheet About ElectraNet

Find out more about how ElectraNet provides safe, affordable and reliable energy solutions to power homes, businesses and the economy.

Factsheet for South Australia to Victoria (Heywood) Interconnector Project

Find out about our South Australia to Victoria (Heywood) Interconnector and how we're working with the community.

Factsheet Land Planning Guide

Find out more about how to minimise the impact of transmission lines and how land can be used safely and productively within electricity transmission ...

Factsheet Eyre Peninsula Reinforcement Project

Find out about our Eyre Peninsula Reinforcement Project and how we're working with the community.