Project EnergyConnect information hubs have been created in regional locations by power network operator ElectraNet to encourage and assist local residents with providing feedback on the proposed electricity interconnector between South Australia and New South Wales.
ElectraNet Land Services Manager, Scott Haynes said the information hubs included touch-screen iPads which could be used by the public to share their views on any social or environmental issues, as well as highlighting any opportunities the project could potentially support.
“As we work to narrow our existing 10km-wide study corridor for the interconnector to a final easement, we are interested in hearing about any opportunities or constraints to the locations which the local community can identify,” Mr Haynes said.
“People can provide the same input via their own mobile devices and computers, but these iPads in community locations provide an additional opportunity for those who may struggle with connectivity at home.
“These hubs have been created in partnership with local government and I would like to thank the regional councils involved as well as Regional Development Australia, and their staff for their willingness to assist.”
The iPads are located at:
- Renmark Paringa Council foyer, Renmark
- Regional Council of Goyder foyer, Burra
- Loxton Library
- Waikerie Library
- Mannum Library
- Berri Library
- Barmera Library
- Regional Development Australia Murraylands and Riverland foyer, Murray Bridge
The installation of the hubs follows recent local activities including public information sessions, workshops and briefings on Project EnergyConnect.
Project EnergyConnect is the proposed project to construct a high-voltage transmission line connecting the energy grids of South Australia and New South Wales.
If approved by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER), the 330kV interconnector will run from Robertstown, in South Australia, to Wagga Wagga, via Buronga, in New South Wales, with an added connection to Red Cliffs, in north-west Victoria.
The project would deliver a $66 per year reduction on a typical South Australian residential power bill and a $132 per year reduction for a small business.
The project is in the early stages of development, with a decision from the AER regarding whether it passes the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) anticipated by mid-2019.
For more information about Project EnergyConnect or to provide feedback on any social or environmental opportunities visit
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