South Australia remains a leader in the global energy transformation.

South Australia’s electricity transmission network plays a vital role in powering homes, businesses and communities and in enabling the transition to a clean energy future. We are committed to navigating this transition with our customers and stakeholders while maintaining affordable, reliable and sustainable electricity supply.

The transmission network plays a critical role in electricity supply

The South Australian transmission network:

  • Transports electricity over long distances from traditional and renewable generators – both local and interstate – to where it is needed to power homes, businesses and communities across metropolitan, regional and remote areas
  • Facilitates competition between generation sources both within South Australia and across the broader NEM, ensuring that South Australian customers can access the lowest cost electricity supplies
  • Provides security of supply through access to a diverse range of supply sources
  • Supports the safe, secure and reliable operation of the power system, including power quality

The transmission network plays a critical role in electricity supply



Network Transition Strategy

South Australia remains a leader in the global energy transformation through its world-leading uptake of grid scale renewable energy resources and rooftop solar PV.

As we enter the next phase of this transformation, we are now witnessing an unprecedented level of interest from new, large electricity loads seeking to connect to this clean energy.

The Network Transition Strategy provides a pathway and framework for working with our customers and stakeholders to manage the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition.

The strategy outlines actions we have taken and solutions we are developing to maintain reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity as South Australia continues its journey to 100 per cent net renewables by 2027.

The strategy supports our core objectives of safety, affordability, reliability and sustainability and covers three key themes:

  • Energy reliability – developing a capable transmission network
  • Power system security and resilience – maintaining a secure and resilient power system
  • Operability – managing increasing system complexity and risk.

The groundwork we have laid and the major projects we have undertaken have positioned us well to meet the challenges of the energy transition to date, including Project EnergyConnect, Eyre Peninsula Link and installation of synchronous condensers.

The challenges and opportunities before us require timely and efficient development of our network, systems and capabilities to manage the transition moving forward. This includes priority network developments in South Australia’s Mid-North, South-East and Eyre Peninsula to enable growth in demand and renewable supply and deliver least cost outcomes to customers in the transition to net zero.

We look forward to continuing to engage with our customers and stakeholders as we navigate these challenges and opportunities and take our strategy forward.

Download the following information on the Network Transition Strategy:

Network Transition Strategy
Network Transition Strategy - Infographic

To get involved and have your say we encourage you to reach out to us at:

To get involved and have your say we encourage you to reach out to us at:


Call: +61 8 8404 7966