ElectraNet is planning for the future of Australia’s electricity grid.

The electricity market is changing and the grid needs to adapt. ElectraNet is continually evolving to ensure the electricity transmission network provides secure, reliable and stable power, while catering for changes in demand into the future.

We are planning for a cleaner, smarter energy future – preparing the network for the changing ways that electricity will be generated and consumed.

Slower economic growth across global, national and state economies, the rapid uptake of rooftop solar installations, and the application of energy efficiency measures are all contributing to a reduction in energy consumed from the traditional electricity network.

New technologies and supply options at both large and small scale, such as rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems combined with battery storage, have created a different environment for the energy industry.

To meet the changing needs of our customers and consumers, we continually seek new opportunities to invest in transmission network solutions that cost-effectively deliver net benefits to the market within a carbon-constrained future.

We also provide benefits to consumers who choose to adopt innovative new energy technologies in their homes or businesses. The network provides back-up supply when needed and allows excess power to be sold back into the grid, for a cheaper overall solution than a stand alone power system.

Find out more about the Value of the Grid by downloading our factsheet.


Sustainable economic investment into transmission network infrastructure is the bridge to the future of the energy industry. Find out more about what ElectraNet is doing to plan for the future.